Philippa Varney Author

Order of Books released

Pomponia's Stylus by Philippa Varney

First in a series starting in Ancient Rome.

Young Pomponia Graecina grows up within the privileged noble families of Rome, shielded from the world outside of her familiar surroundings.  She makes shocking discoveries, that change her life.  They must be recorded and kept secret.  Who will uncover these secret whispered revelations and publish what has never before been revealed?   This is the story of not just one brave courageous woman, but many; their lives and actions, their loves, despairs, hopes and ultimate consequences.

From the corridors of Imperial Rome to the island of Britannia and the city of Isca.

'Both Illuminating and gripping. We follow a life of intrigue and sometimes peril as Pomponia makes the journey across Europe with her husband General Aulus Plautius - conqueror of Britain in AD 43'

Devon Life Sept 2021

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Olivia's Isca Whispers by Philippa Varney

Second in the series.

History brought to life in modern Exeter and Topsham. Rome and Exeter what are their connections? Olivia discovers answers to mysteries. On the trail of  stolen paintings, spies and intrigue whilst uncovering family secrets.

Cosy mystery reading with a twist.

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